Monday, June 18, 2012

Getting Ready!!

Do you think I have enough yarn?  Never!  It is impossible in life to have too much yarn, haha!  Most of this was given to us by a woman who has been a donor to Hogar Infantil for many years - she sent us several big boxes out of the blue, Neto took down a bunch last trip and I'm going to take the rest, plus all the art supplies I've bought from our Aurora Arts Association raffle last December, plus any other donations people choose to give.   We're all getting excited for our trip, the kids are not grumbling so much and now getting excited to meet new kids and play, play, play!!  Anna has been asking me how to say "Bobblehead" (our name for Littlest Pet Shop critters) in Spanish - ummm.....not sure!  "Cabezones"?  We'll think of something.

If you wish to donate some art and craft supplies for us to take to the children at Hogar Infantil, feel free to call or comment here, otherwise we'd just love your prayers and well wishes for a meaningful and fun trip!!   You can subscribe to this blog if you want to keep up with our adventures between June 24th and July 18th - I'll try to post some photos of the children's home and our visit with Neto's family on the coast along the way!

Many blessings to all!!